Introducing #GCAiPlanet

At GCAi we’ve been exploring the outer reaches of the internet since its inception. From the early days of to our newly discovered apps like ThingLink, we have explored it all. As we continue our journey through the digital sphere, we’ll continue to put our ideas and discoveries into your inbox.



#GCAiPlanet is our new e-newsletter, which hits inboxes once a week. Subscribers now have full access to an exclusive perspective of life in our world, including GCAi’s upcoming events, our unique take on industry trends and issues, as well as some of the most interesting articles compiled from around the digital ecosystem.

Thank you for joining us and being part of GCAi’s manifest destiny as we try to connect with you across all reaches of our digital planet.

P.S. Be on the lookout as we announce the winners of our $25 Starbucks Gift Card giveaways every month!