GCAi’s Top 7 Digital News Sources
Everyday the GCAi team navigates through an endless barrage of headlines as fast as the digital industry churns them out. While we love all of the sources we scour daily, there are several that have earned a place near to our hearts.
Bostinno: With Boston becoming one of the central hubs for innovation in the U.S., we are always interested in what’s new with our neighbors to the East. Whether it’s an article about startup incubators like MassChallenge or the newest Red Sox curse, Bostinno always keeps us in the loop.
Inc.: A vital resource for any business owner, Inc.com provides entertaining, colorful profiles of flourishing entrepreneurs and dispenses key advice for both the seasoned veterans and eager newcomers of the business world.
Mashable: We love Mashable for its easy to digest, snackable content, as well as its contemporary and useful articles. While typically inhabiting the world of technology and social media, Mashable covers a variety of topics, qualifying it as our guilty pleasure.
Advertising Age: Whether its news of corporate mergers or a recap of the latest Mad Men episode you’re looking for, Ad Age covers it all. This comprehensive marketing and media site offers a breadth of topics, and includes high quality publications such as e-newsletters and white papers.
Fast Company: Fast Company has its finger on the pulse of the 21st century business environment. Covering everything from breaking technology news to lifestyle tips they offer unique, informative and highly entertaining articles that Generation X and Y can both enjoy.
All Things Digital: Rumors float around like the Hyperloop in the tech world but All Things Digital does well to sift through all the speculation and deliver reliable predictions and the latest tech news. Offering product reviews and even hosting conferences, All Things Digital provides us with some of our most valued information.
Social Media Today: Staying up to date with the ever-changing and expanding world of social media can be a daunting task. Luckily, Social Media Today provides numerous articles with valuable information and tips that can benefit both social media novices and professionals. We frequently reference and share these articles, which often come with useful visuals and infographics.
These sources give us the perfect blend of technology, business, social media and information that we look for at GCAi. We’ll continue to provide our followers with some of our favorite articles from these sources and we hope that you’ll check them out on your own as well. Don’t forget to subscribe to our favorite news source of all, #GCAiPlanet!
If you have suggestions for future Digital Marketing News posts, please feel free to email me! – John